Awesome Instruction: 3 tips for outdoor instructors
I’m no expert! Nobody is. All instructors are on a journey of learning – seeing what works best with different groups.
But I have 3 top tips when delivering a session – which will make it more impactful (and fun for all).
Number 1 – Names, names, names
It’s super hard to learn 6 or more names in 60 seconds. But you will reap huge rewards if you do. Offering a PERSONAL service is everything.
So don’t rush the intro. Have the group tell you their names. Repeat their name to them and connect the name with something visual and ridiculous.
Student – “I’m David.”
Instructor – “Hi David.” (Pause – assign David Hasselhoff and student riding Night Rider car – the crazier the better)
Number 2 – The most positive phrase
After 10+ years of teaching and instructing, this is the most powerful phrase I use.
“Oh wow.”
It buys you time to think. It’s non-judgemental; it’s positive and patient. Check out Oprah Winfrey interviews, it’s her go to.
Excitable student – “Can I be at the front! Can I carry the GPS!”
Instructor – “Oh wow (Pause) You have plenty energy today (Smile of approval) Let’s have a team meeting and make a plan.”
Number 3 – Peak-end rule
Finish on a high – essential practise for a successful session.
Why? In a nutshell:
The peak–end rule states that people judge an experience largely based on how they felt at its peak (i.e., its most intense point) and at its end. The effect occurs regardless of whether the experience is pleasant or unpleasant.
This is hugely powerful. We’ve all had sessions that go a little rubbish. Cold, wet and miserable perhaps. It doesn’t matter.
Always end on a high. Give out chocolates. Or hot chocolate. Play a game. Teach them a cool fact to share with family.
As long as people are smiling in the final 5 minutes, they will remember the session as an awesome experience.
Thanks for reading!